Fairfax United Methodist Church Building

Loving, Building, Connecting, Serving


Fairfax United Methodist Church is an established church in Fairfax, Virginia. Their site was dated and they wanted a fresh, modern look that could highlight their ministries and events in a succinct, easy to navigate way.


We partnered with Fairfax United Methodist Church’s graphic designer/print production assistant and designed a new site that is exactly what they were looking for — modern, concise, and intuitive to users. The success of the project has led to ongoing website care and support. View website at fairfaxumc.org.

  • Responsive Website Design

  • Content Marketing Strategy

  • SEO, SSL & Google Analytics

  • Online Forms/Registration

  • Event Calendar

  • Social Media Integration

  • Podcast Integration

  • Blog

  • Donations/Online Giving

  • Website Care

Client Testimonial

“As a staff member of Fairfax United Methodist Church, I was pleased to work with Lisa Korhnak and her team as they guided us through the process of updating our website to meet our communication objectives. Moore Marketing Solutions provided services to help us tell our story with a fresh look and greatly improved content. Lisa assisted me with the selection of a full-featured theme that allowed me to customize the appearance and was always available to help me implement my vision of how our church should be presented online. Her team offered technical knowledge to help me make the best use of plugins and theme features. Through their guidance, our new website is flexible and easily expanded to meet future needs. We’ve received many compliments from readers seeking information and details about our ministries, allowing us to reach out and better serve the Fairfax community.”

– Norma Otter, Print Production Assistant, Fairfax United Methodist Church